Fake men online! These may be scammers, or fakes. Please remember, never send money to somebody you only know from the internet, or phone calls, and always expect to see a face on webcam.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Is Dave Ramsey looking for a Thai bride?
This is a stolen picture of 'Dave Ramsey', being used on a profile at ThaiDate4u.com, under the username ryan6322, from London, in the UK.
The real person in this picture is a financial advisor who hosts a popular Radio show in the USA. He is not involved in any scam!
Ladies, be careful, there mare many fake people on dating sites trying to steal money from you.
This is probably a West African scammer. The nature of the profile text suggests so.
Always expect to see a face on webcam, never send money, and learn to use google image search!
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